
ISO - International Organization for Standardization

ISO is the abbreviated name for The International Organization for Standardization.

ISO is a worldwide federation of the national standardisation organisations of more than 160 countries. Their purpose is to "bring global experts together to agree on the best way of doing things".

The term ISO is most commonly seen as part of a certification name, e.g. 'ISO 27001'. Organisations will typically obtain ISO certifications, via independent auditors, to demonstrate their adherence to recognised standards of practice. Sometimes it is seen in a format like 'AS/NSZ ISO 45001:2018', with the end indicating the year of publication (2018) and the prefix indicating incorporation of the international standard into the national regulatory framework, making it more relevant and applicable within that jurisdiction (Australia and New Zealand).

See also

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A note from myosh

The myosh platform is designed to help organisations meet ISO 45001, the standard for managing occupational health and safety risks. In turn, myosh itself is certified to adhere to ISO 27001, the standard for managing information security.