WorkSafe ACT explores new ways of keeping workers safe with intelligence-led campaign.
On the 9th January 2024, WorkSafe ACT launched an intelligence-led campaign to help reduce the amount of serious workers’ compensation claims. The campaign analyses data to allow inspections to be targeted for specific areas of risk.
Intelligence-led campaigns involve the continuous cycle of tasking, data collection, collation, analysis, dissemination and feedback.
The ACT’s Work Health and Safety Commissioner, Jacqueline Agius explains,
“Using this data, we have developed a targeted inspection campaign that focuses on specific areas of non-compliance that is driving these serious injuries. We can then work to reduce the number of these injuries we see in the future."
WorkSafe ACT first analysed workers’ compensation data and identified sub-industries and mechanisms with higher rates of serious injury claims. Then, the campaign focuses on these specific areas of non-compliance to reduce future injuries.
The campaign kicked off with 16 WorkSafe ACT inspectors assessing multiple car retailing businesses across the region. Inspectors assessed compliance with regulations related to common causes of injuries such as mobile plants, manual tasks and occupational violence.
Throughout 2024, WorkSafe ACT will continue conducting saturation campaigns of identified industries to assess compliance, improve data, and most importantly, reduce harm.
Ms Agius, urges all ACT businesses to make the most of the new year to review their work health and safety policies, procedures, and risk assessments. She emphasizes that many serious injury claims stem from common, everyday hazards, and complacency can be deadly.
"Never assume that your policies can’t be improved or that an incident won’t occur in your workplace. Complacency can kill.”
Intelligence-led Inspection Campaign by WorkSafe ACT, 11th January, 2024.
Case Study: Using Saturation Campaigns to Effectively Communicate with Employees by Grant & Hay, April, 2008.