All employers are required to establish an injury management system. This system involves the employer, a medical management team and the insurer, and is designed to assist injured workers to make an early and safe return to the workplace.
An effective injury management program strives to minimize the negative impacts associated with workplace injuries and can translate into reduced workers compensation premiums.
Effective injury management:
The myosh Injury Management Module is used to create, store and track all Workers Compensation information. The module is integrated with Incident Reporting and allows companies to consolidate all documentation in a secure and confidential platform:
Information on claims progress and status can be retrieved in an instant. Filters allow searches based on an employee name, claim number, date, incident description etc. Documentation, reports and certificates can be attached for reference at any time and alerts can be created for appointments and actions. A service provider address book saves valuable time and improves liaison with medical practitioners.
Detailed management reports can be generated and management can be updated not only on employee well-being and recovery, but also on the costs associated with the incident, which are recorded and tracked in this module.
Users are able to view documents in a report style layout, including: Incomplete claims, Claims Pending Lodgement, Claims Pending Liability Decision.
The process and documentation is compliant with regulatory report requirements and ISO standards.