
Risk Hazard Management

Build your company's risk profile

Identify, Assess, Control, and Review

Identify, Assess, Control, Review

The myosh Hazard Management module guides the user through a proactive process that enables continuous improvement and risk reduction in your business.

There are 4 steps that help to build a company’s risk profile:

Hazard Identification

Find out what can cause harm.

Risk Assessment

Understand the harm that could be caused, how serious, and the likelihood.


Seek to eliminate the hazard or implement the most effective measure of control.


Review those control measure to ensure outcomes are working as planned.

The Hazard Management module is integrated with other modules and information captured in this module can be converted into actions or incorporated into Management Reports and Dashboards.

What does it do?

  • Users can log hazards (encourage reporting culture)
  • Identify control strategies
  • Define risk control measures
  • Determine risk ratings and residual risk ratings
  • Notify specified people when hazards are logged
  • Notify reporting person of measures taken to control the hazard
  • Review notifications to ensure hazards are monitored over time
  • Track residual risk versus initial risk

What reports can I create?

  • Custom build your own reports using filters to select required records and choose the fields to display
  • Export to Excel
  • Display hazards and risks graphically or in tabular form
  • Select to view hazards logged between specified dates
  • Aged hazards summary for different sites, departments, divisions etc.

Can I configure the module?

  • Add new or remove values from existing fields through a simple to use web interface
  • Add different hazard types
  • Define notification profiles
  • Use your own defined risk matrix
  • Change content of the help screens


  • User logs hazard
  • Accountable person analyses the hazard, evaluates it using the risk matrix, defines a control strategy and actions the relevant controls to treat the risk, specifies a review date to assess the effectiveness of the mitigation measures
  • Email notification to reporting person as per legislation in many jurisdictions
  • Email notifications to review hazards on review date


  • Links to Action Management and Incident Reporting modules

Report the way you want to

  • Create customisable reports using filters for specific records and insights. Download an example report here.
  • Export data to Excel or PDF.
  • Monitor key safety metrics such as Lost Time Injuries (LTIs), All Injury Frequency Rates (AIFR), and Total Recordable Injury Frequency Rates (TRIFR), among others.
  • Utilise graphical and tabular formats for detailed analysis, tailored by various parameters such as bodily location, classification, etc.
  • Track the timeline from incident logging through to investigation completion and official sign-off, ensuring efficient process oversight.
  • Generate KPI reports to compare target versus actual performance across any organisational level, supporting strategic safety improvements.

Insert screenshot of graphical widgets that display example incident data

Customise to suit your workforce

Unlock the full potential of your incident reporting with versatile configurable features:

  • Easily add or remove values from fields via a user-friendly web interface.
  • Introduce various incident types to cover all incidents, including injuries, near misses, environmental incidents, and property damages. These can link to associated records in other modules as appropriate, like Injury Management.
  • Set up notification profiles to keep the relevant team members informed. Exercise full control over which user roles can view what sections of a given record.
  • Tailor the software using your organisation’s specific risk matrix for safety management that meets your established standards.

Note: Customisation functionality varies between subscription tiers.

Integrate with your existing systems*

The incident reporting system accommodates integration with existing payroll, HR, or ERP systems, for automatic injection of work hours and employee updates. This feeds into calculated incident rates weighted by hours worked per site/department/etc.

The incident reporting module also connects with action management and hazard management modules, allowing for a comprehensive approach to workplace safety and compliance that is wrapped up in a guided flow. These integration options streamline workflows, automates updates, and promotes a unified safety management strategy across your organisation.

Simplify your incident reporting to 3 steps

  1. Step 1: Log & Alert - Incident is logged by the user, triggering immediate alerts to supervisors and relevant parties via interface notifications or email.
  2. Step 2: Investigate & Document - Supervisor conducts a thorough investigation, documenting findings and any relevant attachments such as photos or videos. If the supervisor finds the risk to be sufficiently low, the incident is closed off instead.
  3. Step 3: Review & Resolve - Authoriser reviews the compiled report, provides final sign-off, or requests further action. 
  4. Step 4: Follow-ups - Notifications are triggered to remind specific people to perform additional actions like recording shifts lost information.

FAQ: What features make this module effective for incident investigation?

The incident investigation module offers detailed analysis tools through customisable data visualisation widgets, root cause identification processes, and corrective action planning to thoroughly investigate and resolve incidents.

FAQ: Can I use myosh specifically for near miss reporting?

Absolutely, the near miss reporting workflow is a dynamic option within the incident reporting form to easily capture, analyse, and address near misses. The ‘near miss’ flag can be used to parse data for separate reporting/visualisation. [insert image of incident widget that shows near misses as category]

FAQ: How do I log a new incident in your system?

With myosh’s incident management software, logging a new incident is straightforward. Watch a video tutorial that guides you through the process step-by-step.

FAQ: How can I learn more about using your incident reporting module?

For a comprehensive understanding of myosh’s incident reporting software, a detailed walkthrough of the incident investigation process, and a comprehensive user manual for the module is available, in addition to the video tutorial noted above. Full documentation is similarly available for all other modules.

Trusted to manage and improve work health and safety for over 20 years

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