Client Release Notes for Viking v2024.31.0 (deployed 01/08/2024)

July 31, 2024


  • The “Training Time” field in “Competency” has been split into two to allow the input of time units. The first part of the field is populated with an integer and the other part with the time units of either minutes, hours, days or weeks.


  • REST3 – Ensure that options for multivalued fields such as MULTISELECTCHECKBOX, OPTION GROUP, COMBOBOX, MULTISELECTFIELD and TWINCOLUMNSELECT are case insensitive.
  • Correct issue of  PERSONFIELD not auto-populating in the mobile app when it is configured with a lookup type of “From a record matched by a hierarchy value”.
  • The issue of being unable to save new values added to an OPTION_BUILDER field in a record has been amended.
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