Client Release Notes for Viking v2024.34.0 (deployed 22/08/2024)

September 5, 2024


  • REST3 – The endpoint GET /competencies has been updated to return the training time value as well as the training time unit.


  • In the Administration - Hierarchies tab, dragging and dropping hierarchies was causing issues.  This feature has now been disabled.
  • For record exports, ensure that the time in HISTORY fields is in the user’s time zone.
  • Resolved an issue where a message was incorrectly shown stating a record could not be saved when changing a field value due to versioning criteria. The issue stemmed from the criteria being set to "Match Any" with more than one condition.
  • Values of an OPTION_BUILDER field can now be sorted.
  • When automated advancing of work flow is configured and set to repeat “Only Once”, ensure that the record does not advance again even if it is reverted to the previous status which triggered the initial advancing of the work flow.
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