Client Release Notes for Viking v2025.07.0 (deployed 13/02/2025)

February 26, 2025


  • None this week.


  • Prevent a notification from being triggered when uploading an attachment to a record and saving it without changing the status.
  • Correct issue of a dependant COMBOBOX not being mapped correctly in the export template which prevented selection of correct values based on the parent COMBOBOX.
  • Ensure that images from a browser as well as other images such as screenshots can be successfully pasted into HISTORY and RICHTEXTAREA fields.
  • Amend issue of “Scheduled Dates” for training not displaying in the “Training Management” tab of the user record.
  • A user belonging to a group configured to view draft records for a form was prevented from doing so if the group membership was inherited via the primary or secondary occupation of the user. This has been corrected.
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